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Trails in the Sky the Third Orbal Gear UPDATED

Trails in the Sky the Third Orbal Gear

Millium Orion - SD Model (Sen III).png

Hold on, information technology looks like Millium wants to tell you something.

Hey-hey! White Rabbit here! Lammy scanned this article and said it contains unmarked spoilers for all Trails games. Turn back now if you don't want to get lasered! Okay, byee!

The Orbal Gear (オーバルギア) is a bipedal weapon developed and used past the Russell family that appears in Trails in the Sky the 3rd, Trails of Cold Steel III and Iv.


The Orbal Gear Project[JP 1] started in S.1203 with Erika Russell's proposal to develop a new kind of weapon that could compete with Ouroboros's advanced military engineering, which led to a joint development with Albert Russell to develop a humanoid weapon able to go head to head with Pater-Mater.[1] [2]

The development project started in the Zeiss Fundamental Factory (ZCF) and was later joined by the Epstein Foundation, which developed the Aeon System-powered Eidolon Gear the following year.[3]

New types of the Orbal Gear make their appearance in Trails of Cold Steel Iii: Orbal Gear Iii is the consequence of Tita Russell'southward efforts[4] and the Orbal Gear EXA is the product of a joint evolution betwixt the ZCF, Epstein Foundation and Reinford Group.[5]

With a pinnacle of three arges, Orbal Gears are relatively small. Different other humanoid weapons the Orbal Gear leaves its pilot uncovered, making them more similar to powered exoskeletons.




  1. Trails in the Sky the 3rd, Moon Door 1: "Orbal Gear Projection" Part 1.
  2. Trails in the Sky the 3rd, Moon Door one: "Orbal Gear Project" Part 2.
  3. Trails to Azure, Finale: "The Path We Chose".
  4. Trails of Common cold Steel III, Affiliate 4: "Radiant Heimdallr", 07/09.
  5. Trails of Cold Steel Three, Finale: "For Whom the Bell Tolls", 07/eighteen, Gral of Erebos.


  1. 《オーバルギア》計画


Trails in the Sky the Third Orbal Gear UPDATED

Posted by: grantletre1976.blogspot.com

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